
Friday, April 15, 2011

Using dijit.TooltipDialog with Portlet Factory

WPF contains many useful builders for dojo, but these represent only a subset of what is available from the dojo toolkit. I've recently done work with the dijit.TooltipDialog and was able to integrate with portlet factory without too much fuss.

Retrieve a Page With Ajax Request
The key to integrating the tooltip dialog with WPF is to leverage the href attribute available for the widget. This provides the widget with a mechanism to retrieve the HTML we'd like to display in the dialog, in our case we want the URL to a page. Here's the java that we can use to generate that URL (see this entry for more):

JSPSupport.getActionURL(webAppAccess, webAppAccess.getBackchannelURLMapper(false), "keep_page:lm.page1")

Now let's throw together some HTML for the page builder that will display the dialog:

    <head><title>Default Test Page</title></head>
           <div id="tooltipDialog" dojoType="dijit.TooltipDialog" style="display:none" onBlur='dijit.popup.close(this)'/>
           <div id='dialogTarget' onclick='showOrders()'>Show tooltip here</div>

Note that we're using declarative markup to create the tooltip instead of javascript, and then setting its style to display:none. This is easier because it enables us to use an attribute setter builder to set the href:

Note here the last parameter is the page that we want to display, in my case I'm using a linked model to one of my previous blog entries referenced as lm so I have keep_page:lm.page1.

Finally, we have to add a dojo enable builder that will bring in the required package dijit.TooltipDialog and we'll add a little bit of javascript to display the tooltip when an element is clicked:

function showOrders(){
    var tooltipdialog = dijit.byId('tooltipDialog');{ popup: tooltipdialog, around: dojo.byId("dialogTarget") });   

The result looks like this, and unlike the dojo tooltip builder, we can interact with the contents of the dialog - in this case linked order numbers:

This example provides a good starting point for understanding how easy it is to integrate dojo with WPF.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Adding Custom Snippets to the WPF Picker

Like most websphere software, portlet factory is very customizable and contains several config files which enable the developer to do this. Right now I'm going to focus on the /WEB-INF/config/IndirectJavaExpressions.config file.

Add Your Own Code
I'm busy using dojo with WPF, and one of the things that I know will come up often is the ability to provide a URL to a model so it can display some HTML. I'll probably be using the reference chooser to this:

Now I could just select the replace with java expression item and then type in my code, but that would get tedious and I like things that snap into place (like WPF builders). I can quickly leverage WPF customization by appending some resuable code to the IndirectJavaExpressions.config in my project:

DsixE/AjaxPageURL=JSPSupport.getActionURL(webAppAccess, \
     webAppAccess.getBackchannelURLMapper(false), "keep_page:yourPageHere")

I save the file and go back to my model and now I see this:

I can add any number of shortcuts to this file and deploy to a team, instantly increasing their productivity and the quality of the applications they build.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dynamically Changing dijit.TooltipDialog

I've spent the last week trying to use dijit.TooltipDialog to display widgets programmatically, and although I've found many examples of how to do this, none really addressed my particular case. In this blog entry I will provide a working example of how to manipulate a TooltipDialog using code.

Start Simple
Let's just create a dialog with a textbox on it, along with a simple onclick trigger:

<div onclick="showDialog()">clickme</div>   
<div id="dialogTarget">dialog appears here</div> 

<script type="text/javascript">   
    var dialog;
        var tb = new dijit.form.TextBox({name:"tb1"});
        dialog = new dijit.TooltipDialog({
            content: tb,
            onBlur: function() { dijit.popup.close(dialog); }
    function showDialog(){{ popup: dialog, around: dojo.byId("dialogTarget") });

A few things to note about this code - the content of a tooltip can be a dijit widget or HTML in quotes, and we can make the toolip appear on any element of our choice using the dijit.popup function. Most examples I could find showed content as HTML and the display of the tooltip triggered by a dijit.form.DropDownButton, neither of which fit my needs.

Change the Content
So what happens if the content of the tooltip dialog needs to be changed at runtime? This can be addressed using the attr() function:
<div onclick="showDialog(false)">clickme</div>   
<div onclick="showDialog(true)">clickme again</div>   
<div id="dialogTarget">dialog appears here</div> 

<script type="text/javascript">   
    var dialog;
        var tb = new dijit.form.TextBox({name:"tb1"});
        dialog = new dijit.TooltipDialog({
            content: tb,
            onBlur: function() { dijit.popup.close(dialog); }
    function showDialog(changeContents){
        if (changeContents){
           var mySpinner = new dijit.form.NumberSpinner({
                value: 1000,
                smallDelta: 10,
                constraints: {
                    min: 9,
                    max: 1550,
                    places: 0
                style: "width:100px"
            dialog.attr("content", mySpinner);
          { popup: dialog, around: dojo.byId("dialogTarget") });
In this code I've made a few changes to support two options - clicking on one element (clickme) will show the dialog we created in the first example, and another (clickme again) will change the contents of the dialog with a dijit.form.NumberSpinner. The key line of code here is dialog.attr("content", mySpinner).

Try it here.

Loading Sametime Proxy Scripts

More useful insight on integrating sametime dojo widgets into a web application - this entry explains how scripts are loaded.

Why can't I find these scripts?

Inspecting the example HTML provided with the ST proxy, one can identify some scripts such as:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://<YourServer>:9081/stwebclient/dojo_1.2.3/dojo/dojo.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://<YourServer>:9081/stbaseapi/baseComps.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://<YourServer>:9081/stwebclient/livename.js"></script>

but don't go looking for them in your filesystem because you won't find them. The HTTP requests are intercepted by a servlet that maps the filename in the URL to a physical filename in the stproxyweb.war. For example in the above case the request for livename.js is redirected to the physical file /dojo_1.2.3/sametime/LiveNameAll.js. This little bit of knowledge is very useful when debugging because many of the javascript files are also uncompressed, and loading that version makes life much easier.

So, we can replace our above example with this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://<YourServer>:9081/stwebclient/dojo_1.2.3/dojo/dojo.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://<YourServer>:9081/stbaseapi/baseComps.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://<YourServer>:9081/stwebclient/dojo_1.2.3/sametime/LiveNameAll.js.uncompressed.js"></script>

And now we can read the original code in firebug, enabling us to insert appropriate breakpoints.

Servlet mapping list

widgetsPart1.js >> stproxyWidgetsAllFirst.js
widgetsPart2.js >> stproxyWidgetsAllSecond.js
chatPart1.js >> stproxyChatAllFirst.js
chatPart2.js >> stproxyChatAllSecond.js
adderLoader.js >> stproxyAdder.js
meetingLoader.js >> stproxyMeeting.js
announcementLoader.js >> stproxyAnnouncement.js
widgets.js >> stproxyWidgetsAll.js
widgetsLight.js >> stproxyWidgetsAllNoDojo.js
livename.js >> LiveNameAll.js
livenameLight.js >>LiveNameAllNoDojo.js